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MP3 Flash Drives

5-Album MP3 Flash Drive

Get these 5 McCloskeys albums for just $48!

This unique flash drive contains 50 songs in MP3 format from The McCloskeys. "Our Faith Still Holds", "Brand New Life", "Ready to Serve", Foundations", and "Acapella". Free shipping on this item!

3-Album MP3 Flash Drive

Get these 3 McCloskeys albums for just $34!

This unique flash drive contains 33 songs in MP3 format from The McCloskeys. "Reflections of the Cross", "Reprise", and "Timeless". Free shipping on this item!


The T-Shirt Series

Keep America Christian

The "Keep America Christian" T-shirt from McCloskey Family Ministries is a great way to proclaim your love for God and country! As we seek to uphold the basic tenets of our Christian faith and live in obedience to the simple truths of God's Word, let's encourage other believers to do the same!